We created Lists. Lists were a set of objects enclosed in [ ] square braces. Tuples are also a set of objects but they are enclosed in ( ) brackets.
Both the data types are indexed. The elements can be accessed by their index numbers.
A Tuple can be understood as a finalized list. When we create a list, it can be appended, sorted, it's elements can be deleted, and new one's inserted etc. You can easily find out the number of operations that can be done on a list in your Python Shell
Whereas in a Tuple with similar elements, you can not insert, append or delete elements in a Tuple. Therefore I will term a Tuple as a finalized list that does not need to be altered. You can find out the operations that can be done on a Tuple in your Python Shell
You can display the elements of a List and a Tuple in the same way. You can view them full or slice them. You can even add two tuples using + operator.
Therefore Tuples are lists that are enclosed in ( ) brackets.
We can use both, Lists and Tuples in a dictionary. Incidentally Lists, Tuples and Dictionaries all three are termed as data types in Python.