
Code Studio Course C 2018 Lesson 2 # Programming with Angry birds

After making a series of videos and articles on Code studio courses two years ago, I noticed that kids are still looking at the videos and visiting the articles as they appear in Google search. I also noticed that they are looking for the newer version of Code Studio courses. The latest version being (2018) as their 2019 version is still in development.

Not to leave them disappointed when they visit one of my blog articles of Code studio courses, I am making pages for the latest version of these courses. I am starting from Course C (2018) and cover as many courses as are available on Code Org. I hope you will like it as much as you did the previous versions.

  Although it is very easy and self explainatory, for the sake of continuity, I will cover this Lesson too.  These images are as big as they can be on my laptop. You can click on the images to view them enlarged if you need to. I welcome if you send me feedback in case you want to say something about this article.

Code Studio Course C 2018 Lesson 2

Programming with Angry birds

Puzzle 2
Puzzle 2

Puzzle 3

Puzzle 3


Puzzle 4

puzzle 4


Puzzle 5

puzzle 5


Puzzle 6

puzzle 6


Puzzle 7

puzzle 7


Puzzle 8

Puzzle 8


Puzzle 9

Puzzle 9


Puzzle 10

In this puzzle you have to read the displayed code and predict it's outcome. It will show you if you have understood the working of these puzzles. Better that I do not give you the answer for this one.

Puzzle 11 

There are several paths you can take to complete this step. You can try and figure out whatever path comes to your mind. Here is one solution, but it is not the only solution. You can come up with your own. 

Puzzle 11


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